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Diocese Of Corpus Christi

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Welcome to CMG Connect, the Catholic Mutual Group Safe Environment Training hub for the Diocese of Corpus Christi, Texas.


Please register your information to the right to create a new account. It is recommended that you keep record of your User I.D. and Password. You must provide an email address in order to receive notifications. If you need to stop or pause at any time during your training session, you will need to login again. Your session will return to the last segment completed..

The Safe Environment requirement of training expires every three years

Thank you for joining the growing number of dedicated people within our diocese who are committed to providing safe, secure environments to all of the people of our church community!

-The Office for Safe Environment and Child and Family Resources

Please complete all required fields.  Your information is confidential and will not be used for any marketing. 

If you would like to get updates when training requirements are available, please include your email.


Please select the parish or school you are primarily associated with.

Select all the descriptions of what you will be doing in your service to the Church.

Cuentas Existentes

¿Tienes una cuenta? Si es así, no es necesario que se inscriba para obtener una Cuenta nueva. Haga clic en el botón "Iniciar sesión" en la esquina superior derecha de esta ventana. De lo contrario, regístrese para obtener una Cuenta nueva cuenta a continuación.

Regístrese para obtener una Cuenta Nueva

Escriba su nombre, segundo nombre y apellido tal como aparecen en su licencia de conducir o identificación oficial. No utilice prefijos, como, Rev., Fr., Sr., Jr. y Dcn.

Por favor mafque todo los que correspondan. *